
The ACF Account Cache is made for caching AWS account details of large AWS Organizations.

For one AWS account, the details have the following structure:

  "accountId": "905418151471",
  "accountName": "acai_aws-lab1_wl2",
  "accountStatus": "ACTIVE",
  "accountTags": {
    "owner": "Finance",
    "environment": "Non-Prod",
    "application": "SAP",
    "type": "Workload",
    "confidentiality_level": "Restricted"
  "ouId": "ou-er26-hsal28aq",
  "ouIdWithPath": "o-3iuv4h36uk/r-er26/ou-er26-08tbwblz/ou-er26-sgxk358u/ou-er26-hsal28aq",
  "ouName": "NonProd",
  "ouNameWithPath": "Root/Lab_WorkloadAccounts/BusinessUnit_1/NonProd",
  "ouTags": {
    "module_provider": "ACAI GmbH",
    "environment": "Production",
    "module_source": "",
    "application": "AWS MA Core",
    "cicd_ado_organization": "acai-consulting",
    "cicd_branch_name": "initial_version",
    "cicd_pipeline_name": "Org-Mgmt",
    "module_name": "terraform-aws-acf-org-ou-mgmt",
    "module_version": "1.1.1",
    "cicd_ado_project_name": "aws-lab-2024"

Querying the ACF AWS Account Context Cache

Large organizations may face scenarios where they want to select a subset of AWS Accounts based on specific criteria:

  • Select all AWS Accounts where the account-tag “environment” is not “Non-Prod” (In the ChatBot type: /Sample1)
  • Select all AWS Accounts where “accountName” contains “core-” (In the ChatBot type: /Sample2)
  • Select all AWS Accounts where the account-tag “environment” is “Prod” and that have “/Department_1/” in their OU-path (In the ChatBot type: /Sample3)

To accomplish this, we have introduced a query language in alignment with Amazon EventBridge > Create event patterns:

For all accounts in the cache:
query_json = "*" 

For selected accounts in the cache:
query_json = {
    "exclude": "*" | Pattern JSON-Object | [
        Pattern JSON-Object
    "forceInclude": Pattern JSON-Object | [
        Pattern JSON-Object

Try it out by clicking on the chat-icon on the right side of this site.


We have created an Amazon Bedrock based LLM backend that will transform user-prompts like the sample statements into ACF Account Cache Queries.

Step 1: The LLM Lambda will produce the JSON based query and provide it to the chat-bot.

Step 2: The user can then decide to query the Account Contect Cache with the query and get the account IDs that match the query.

Step 3: With the ‘/detail:account_id’ command the user can get the account details.

CICD Pipeline Overview

ACAI Lab AWS Organization

The full Account Context Cache of the ACAI AWS Lab is shown here as JSON: link

CICD Pipeline Overview